花 押【 kaou 】

_ japanese art signature

beautiful silhouette shape alone is sufficient.

we call a sign / a mark used in substitution for a art signature. originally signature gradually made a design a pattern the thing which signed commonly made a signer and an another person clear, and to distinguish own name, and the art signature which had special shape was born to a document.

there is the origin for Sousyo style of signature. we call this So-Myou and a special figure says the thing which became it with art signature so as not to be able to possibly consider stroke order of So-Myou, shape to be a normal letter. the beginning signed with a printed style of writing Chinese characters in the name, but it was it with the signature that I gradually destroyed for Sousyo style and extremely called the figure thing which became it with art signature in it.

_kaou syoin : sakakibara of ikeda
_family temple : higashihonganji / shinsyu otani

花押(かおう/華押)とは、署名の代わりに使用される記号・符号をいう。 元々は、文書へ自らの名を普通に自署していたものが、署名者本人と他者とを明確に区別するため、 次第に自署が図案化・文様化していき、特殊な形状を持つ花押が生まれる。

起源は自署の草書体にある。これを草名(そうみょう)とよび,草名の筆順, 形状がとうてい普通の文字とはみなしえないまでに特殊形様化したものを花押という。 初めは名を楷書体で自署したが、次第に草書体にくずした署名となり、それを極端に形様化したものを花押と呼ぶ。


花押署印 : 池田氏所有(高田藩榊原家)
菩提寺 : 東本願寺新別院(真宗大谷派)

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